Phuket Raceweek 2021 Supporters

Southeast Asia Pilot

It has been a busy pandemic for Southeast Asia Pilot (SEAP) co-author and publisher, Grenville Fordham. Stuck on shore, and with not much going on in the cruising world, he’s been working hard in the digital corners of the sailors’ favourite regional cruising guide.

Following a major update of the print version in 2019 (6th Edition), he carried out a complete overhaul of the website (learning ‘how-to’ along the way), created the first viable digital/ebook version, with digital rights management embedded, and then decided to tackle the world of Amazon and Kindle – something that turned out to be a major challenge and, to some extent, remains so.

Southeast Asia Pilot
Southeast Asia Pilot available HERE

“Amazon is all about fitting their ‘standard’ vision of a reseller, no deviations tolerated,” explains Grenville. “Arcane submission forms that work for USA but don’t apply elsewhere must be completed in full – even when it seems impossible. We want to sell a print book; they like Kindle because they make more money.

We want to sell globally; the predominant Amazon model is to sell in your own market. But we’re getting there by sticking to our guns and refusing to be bullied. You can now buy both the print version and a Kindle ‘print replica’ version on Amazon in most countries – but there’s more work to be done to make them easy to find,” he finished.

A sweetener in the middle of all this keyboard time was the news that SEAP had won

“Best Specialist Travel Guide 2021 & 2022”

in the APAC Insider Business Awards.

You can find more information on the Southeast Asia Pilot website 

And also at Window on Phuket Magazine

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